Ultraviolet-Induced Fluorescence (UVIF) Imaging Experiment Results

Welcome. Results of a UVIF experiment inside a lava tube on the flank of Mauna Loa, Hawaii are presented here as immersive 360 images. Details can be found in our abstracts and presentations at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023.

Links below to view as 360 images or as an AR or VR experience.

S. P. Scheidt, Z. Morse, D. M. Bower, C. Achilles, B. P. Theiling (2023). Illuminating the invisible: A planetary exploration strategy in a lava tube at Mauna Loa: Hawaii: Ultraviolet-induced fluorescence imaging, 54th LPSC, Abstract No. 2768.

Z. R. Morse, S. P. Scheidt, B.P. Theiling, and C. Achilles (2023). Data in the Dark: In-Situ Augmented Reality Data Visualization of Ultraviolet-Induced Fluorescence at Mauna Loa Lava Tube Analog Field Site, 54th LPSC, Abstract No. 2874.

Natural light LED Illuminated Scene

UV LED Illuminated (enhanced in post)

UV LED Illuminated (enhanced in post with a decorrelation stretch)