

41. SP Scheidt, A Espino, J Hurtado, T Sweeney, PL Whelley, KE Young, T Glotch (2024). Analog fieldwork at Kilbourne Hole: a concept of operations for low altitude lunar remote sensing by astronauts, NASA Exploration Science Forum, July 23-25, 2024, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.

40. Scheidt SP, Crown DA, Ruff SW, JW Rice, FC Chuang (2023). UAV surveys of inflated pahoehoe lava flows: analyses of terrestrial analogs for the interpretation of orbital observations of Mars. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 55, 6, abstract 113-4, http://doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-394366

39. Scheidt SP, SX Hudziak, T Sweeny, CI Restrepo, JA Richardson, MK Barker, NE Petro, J Hurtado, PL Whelley, K Young, T Glotch (2023). Sharpening our tools: building lander-scale synthetic DEMs using analogs to prepare for exploration at the lunar south pole. NASA Exploration Science Forum, July 17-20, 2023, College Park, MD.

38. Scheidt SP, DA Crown, DC Berman, DA Williams, H Bernhardt (2023). Mapping fluvial systems on martian volcanoes: investigating of Alba Mons and Amphitrites Patera.  Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIV, abstract #2872.

37. Scheidt SP, Z Morse, DM Bower, C Achilles, BP Theiling (2023). Illuminating the invisible: a planetary exploration strategy in a lava tube at Mauna Loa, Hawaii: Ultraviolet-induced fluorescence imaging. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIV, abstract #2786.

36. Scheidt SP, SX Hudziak, JA Richardson, MK Barker, NE Petro, CI Restrepo, E Mazarico (2022). Application of Earth-analog sites for lunar simulated digital elevation models, 3rd Space Imaging Workshop, Atlanta, GA, 0-12 October 2022.

35. Scheidt SP, CA Crown, SW Ruff, JW Rice, FC Chuang (2021). Field and remote sensing investigations of volcanic embayment relationships in terrestrial analogues for application to Mars. Workshop on Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Exploration, June 16-18, 2021, Virtual. Abs. #8028.

34. Scheidt SP, JA Richardson, MK Barker, NE Petro, CI Restrepo, E Mazarico, L Kerber, SX Hudziak (2021). Application of Earth-analog sites for lunar simulated digital terrain models. Joint 2021 NASA Exploration Science Forum and European Lunar Symposium 2021, July 20-23.

33. Scheidt SP, KE Young, CS Edwards, JM Hurtado, AD Horchler, TD Glotch (2020). Integration of low altitude aerial systems data into field operations for planetary analog surface exploration. NASA Exploration Science Forum 2020, July 20-23.

32. Scheidt SP, JA Zimbelman, MM Baker (2020). Grain-scale field documentation of aeolian terrestrial analogs using stereophotgrammetery of megaripples at Great Sand Dunes, Sixth International Planetary Dunes Workshop, abstract #3043.

31. Scheidt SP, DA Crown, DC Berman (2019). Distribution and morphology of valley networks on the flanks of Alba Mons, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., L, abstract #2014.

30. Scheidt SP, DA Crown (2018). Topographic Analysis of the Flanks of Alba Mons Using MOLA DEMs, American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, abstract #P31I-3824.

29. Scheidt SP, DA Crown, DC Berman (2018). Topographic analyses of valley networks and volcanic ridges on the flanks of Alba Mons, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLIX, abstract #1570.

28. Scheidt SP, JE Bleacher, CW Hamilton, PL Whelley, WB Garry, J Voigt, SS Sutton (2017). Anatomy of streamlined volcanic islands using multi-view stereophotogrammetry, Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Fostering Integrative Studies of Volcanoes, August 14-18, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., abstract 924, p. 970.

27. Scheidt SP, LE Bonnefoy, S Sutton, P Whelley, CW Hamilton, AP deWet (2017). Remote sensing analysis of Askja pumice megaripples in the Vikursundar, Iceland as an analog for martian transverse aeolian ridges, Fifth International Planetary Dunes Workshop: From the bottom of the oceans to the outer limits of the solar system, St. George, Utah, abstract 3020.

26. Scheidt SP, PL Whelley, CW Hamilton, JE Bleacher, WB Garry (2015). The Kilauea 1974 flow: quantitative morphometry of lava flows using low altitude aerial image data using a kite-based platform in the field, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #P24A-08.

25. Scheidt SP, LF Palafox, CW Hamilton, JR Zimbelman (2015), Automated detection of transverse aeolian ridges on Mars using convolutional neural networks and a field-based terrestrial orthoimage training set, Fourth International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Integrating Models, Remote Sensing and Field Data, Boise, ID (LPI Contributions No. 1843), abstract 8047.

24. Scheidt SP and CW Hamilton (2015). Generation of Ultrahigh Spatial Resolution Digital Terrain Models for a Martian Lava Flow Analog From Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVI, abstract 1055.

23. Scheidt SP and JR Zimbelman (2015). Gravel-mantled aeolian bedforms from Mono-Inyo Domes, California, USA: Morphology, Characteristics, and Relevance to Mars, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVI, abstract 1056.

22. Scheidt SP, Hamilton CW, JR Zimbelman, JE Bleacher,WB Garry, AP de Wet and LS Crumpler (2014). Lava-Rise Plateaus and Inflation Pits Within the McCartys Flow, New Mexico, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLV, abstract 1491.

21. Scheidt SP, JR Zimbelman and Johnson MB (2014). Multiview Stereo Photogrammetry of Mars Aeolian Analogs, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLV, abstract 1446.

20. Scheidt SP (2013). A New tool for comparative planetology for almost anyone, Works-in-Progress, National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC.

19. Scheidt SP (2013). Field instrumentation needs: A multispectral imaging payload for a lightweight UAV, Smithsonian Tools for Discovery Workshop, Cambridge, MA.

18. Scheidt SP (2012). Sand transport pathways of dark dunes in the Sperrgebiet: Sand composition and dune migration rates from ASTER data, Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis of Planetary Dunes, Flagstaff, AZ (LPI Contributions No. 1673), 85-86, abstract 7051.

17. Scheidt SP, CG Hughes, RA Craddock, MS Ramsey and JR Zimbelman (2011). A simulated HyspIRI dataset using combined ASTER and AVIRIS data of the Ka’u Desert dunes for terrestrial mapping and planetary application, 4th HyspIRI Science Workshop, August 23-25, Washington, DC.

16. Scheidt SP (2011) [invited] Current and future multispectral data and techniques from onshore geologic and environmental mapping, ExxonMobile Workshop, Houston, TX, May 3, 2011.

15. Scheidt SP (2011). [invited] The good, the bad and the ugly: learning from case study examples of offshore hydrocarbon detection of oil spills using multispectral and hyperspectral imagery, ExxonMobile Workshop, Houston, TX, May 3, 2011.

14. Scheidt SP and JR Zimbelman (2011). Preliminary Geologic Map of the MC-16 NW Quadrangle, Mars: Subdivisions of the Lower and Middle Members of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLII, abstract 2631.

13. Scheidt SP, SL de Silva, JR Zimbelman, NT Bridges and JG Viramonte (2011). The Composition of Puna Gravel Ripple Fields: A Terrestrial Analog from TIR Remote-Sensing and Spectroscopy, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLII, abstract 2706.

12. Scheidt SP, N Lancaster and MS Ramsey (2010). Spatial patterns of sand composition in the Gran Desierto, MX determined from thermal infrared spectroscopy and ASTER remote sensing data, 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October – 3 November 2010), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 42, 5, 416, Paper No. 170-6.

11. Scheidt SP and N Lancaster (2010). Sensitivity of the Automatic Determination of Sand Transport Direction and Rate to Dune Morphology, 2010 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #EP51A-0533.

10. Scheidt SP, MS Ramsey, R Mohammed and N Lancaster (2010). Performance of the proposed HyspIRI TIR bands for accurate compositional identification of eolian dust, ash and sand, 3rd HyspIRI Science Workshop, August 24-26, 2010, Pasadena, CA.

9. Scheidt SP and MS Ramsey (2010). Dune Migration Rates of Namib Desert Dunes using ASTER: Success and Challenges, 37th ASTER Science Team Meeting, Tokyo, Japan.

8. Scheidt SP, N Lancaster and MS Ramsey (2010). Sand composition of the Gran Desierto: A terrestrial analogue for thermal infrared imaging and spectroscopy techniques, Second International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Planetary Analogs-Integrating Models, Remote Sensing and Field Data, abstract 2010.

7. Scheidt SP and N Lancaster (2010). Sensitivity of automatic determination of sand transport direction and rate to dune morphology in the Namib Sand Sea, Second International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Planetary Analogs-Integrating Models, Remote Sensing and Field Data (LPI Contributions No. 1552), Alamosa, CO, abstract 2024.

6. Scheidt SP, MS Ramsey, N Lancaster (2008). Thermal remote sensing of sand transport systems, in Planetary Dunes Workshop: A Record of Climate Change, Alamogordo, NM, Lun. Planetary Instit., LPI Contribution #1403, abstract 7041.

5. Scheidt SP, M. Ramsey, N Lancaster (2007). Integration of ASTER TIR data and the Google Earth application to examine the relationships between sand transport pathways and dust emission hotspots, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52): Fall Meet. Suppl., abs. #NG41C-0667, 2007.

4. Scheidt SP (2007). Sand and Dust: A Perspective from the ASTER Satellite, Desert Research Institute, Environmental Seminar, August 24, 2007.

3. Scheidt, SP (2006). Composition of potential dust source areas in the Sahara Desert using ASTER TIR, 30th ASTER Science Team Meeting, Pasadena, CA, December 7, 2006.

2. Scheidt SP (2006). Comparison of ASTER 15-band spectral classification to field survey and TIR linear deconvolution compositional mapping, 30th ASTER Science Team Meeting, Pasadena, CA, December 7, 2006.

1. Scheidt SP, MS Ramsey, N Lancaster (2006). Fusion of multitemporal/multispectral satellite data for the Gran Desierto: Implications for long distance sand transport, Sixth International Conference on Aeolian Research Meeting (ICAR), University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada, July 24 – 26, 2006.


116. Liounis AJ, MK Barker, E Mazarico, NE Petro, JA Richardson, C Gnam, SP Scheidt, C Restrepo, S Bertone, RA Beyer, AI Ansar, C Mauceri, Y Cheng, Z Morgan, Y Iwashita (2024). The LuNaMaps Project: Advancing capabilities for developing and validating digital elevation models of rocky surfaces from orbital data. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, abstract #G24A-05.

115. Fenton L, G Arzaga, SP Scheidt, S Metzger, T Michaels, T Dorn, L Neakrase, B Cole, E Idec, O Sprau, B Jackson (2024). Dust devil characteristics inform local environmental conditions. American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC, abstract #EP54A-07.

114. Crown DA, WB Garry, SP Scheidt, DC Berman (2024). Mapping lava flow fields in the Tharsis region of Mars: insights from terrestrial analogue studies for characterizing pahoehoe flow signatures, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 56, 5, http://doi: 10.1130/abs/2024AM-403733, abstract # 247-6.

113. Crown DA, SP Scheidt, SW Ruff, JW Rice, FC Chuang, F Zamora-Arroyo (2024). Recognition and Characterization of Inflated Lava Flows on Mars: Insights from Field and UAS Surveys of Terrestrial Pahoehoe Flows, Second Workshop on Terrestrial Analogs for Planetary Exploration, August 12–14, 2024, abstract #8030.

112. Baker DMH, ES Shoemaker, E Jhoti, JA Richardson, PL Whelley, A Matiella Novak, SP Scheidt, S Hudziak, DA Crown, N McCall, E Bell, J Giles, J Wang, L Wike, J West (2024). Mars-analog ground-penetrating radar and seismic investigations of the Bishop Tuff, CA. Lunar Planet. Sci., LV, abstract #2453.

111. Jhoti E, DMH Baker, ES Shoemaker, P Russell, JA Richardson, A Matiella Novak, PL Whelley, SP Scheidt, S Hudziak, DA Crown, J Bretzfelder, SE Hamran, DA Paige (2024). Formation of polygonal fractures on Earth and Mars: subsurface insights from ground-penetrating radar. Lunar Planet. Sci., LV, abstract #2308.

110. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt, H Bernhardt, DA Williams (2024). Geological investigations of Amphitrites Patera and the southern rim of the Hellas Basin, Mars. Lunar Planet. Sci., LV, abstract #1404.

109. Morse, ZR, SP Scheidt, S Hudziak, T Graff, JA Richardson, PL Whelley, JM Hurtado, WB Garry, T GRubb, C Achilles, M Battler, M Cross, KE Young, GR Osinski (2024). The augmented reality data visualization analog research campaign (ARDVARC) overview: field site selection and initial analysis. Lunar Planet. Sci., LV, abstract #2463.

108. Crown DA, FC Chuang, JW Rice, SW Ruff, SP Scheidt (2023). Geological mapping investigations of Gusev Crater, Mars, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 55, 6, http//doi: 10.1130/abs/2023AM-391830.

107. Whelley PL, SP Scheidt, M Zanetti, ZR Morse, T Sweeny, J Richardson, B Feist, K Young, T Glotch (2023). Measuring and visualizing slope for lunar surface operations. NASA Exploration Science Forum, July 17-20, 2023, College Park, MD.

106. Morse ZR, KE Young, P Whelley, C Barry, C Achilles, J Hurtado, SP Scheidt, A Baldridge, E Bell, T Caswell, L Edgar, C Evans, B Feist, A Garcia, J Giles, M Henderson, CI Honniball, R Hopkins, S Korona, N Kumari, A McAdam, N McCall, GR Osinski, J Ralleta, S Rees, J Richardson, D Rogers, H Royster, B Scheib, MJO Svensson, T Sweeny, S Valencia, J Wang, L Wike, S Wray T Glotch (2023). Overview of the 2023 RISE2 analog lunar astronaut deployment with real-time portable instrument integration. NASA Exploration Science Forum, July 17-20, 2023, College Park, MD.

105. Richardson, JA, ER Bell, SP Scheidt, Y Ng, JR Espley, DA Sheppard, Y Martos (2023). Pit crater magnetic surveys. NASA Exploration Science Forum, July 17-20, 2023, College Park, MD.

104. Crown DA, SP Scheidt, SW Ruff, JW Rice, FC Chuang (2023). Terrestrial analog studies of volcanic embayment relationships: implications for interpretations of volcanic contacts on Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIV, abstract #2710.

103. Crown DA, WB Garry, DC Berman, SW Anderson, SP Scheidt, SM Baloga, SA Miller (2023). Mapping martian lava flow fields: investigations of pahoehoe-like flow morphologies in the Tharsis and Elysium volcanic provinces. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIV, abstract #2869.

102. Morse ZR, SP Scheidt, BP Theiling, C Achilles (2023). Data in the dark: in-Situ augmented reality data visualization of ultraviolet-induced fluorescence at Mauna Loa lava tube analog field site. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIV, abstract #2874.

101. Crown DA, FC Chuang, RW Rice Jr, SW Ruff, SP Scheidt (2022). Gusev Crater, Mars: New insights from 1:250K-scale geologic mapping, Planetary Geologic Mappers Meeting 2022, LPI Contributions, abstract #7015.

100. Idec E, S Metzger, L Fenton, T Dorn, T Michaels, SP Scheidt, B Cole, O Sprau, L Neakrase (2022). Fueling Dust Devils; Insolation-Driven Surface Heating Rates for an Arid Terrestrial Mars-Analogue Site. LPI Contributions. 2022 Mar;2678:2702. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIII, abstract #2702.

99. Crown DA, FC Chuang, JW Rice, SW Ruff, SP Scheidt (2022). Geologic Mapping of Gusev Crater, Mars: Volcanic Resurfacing of Gusev’s Floor. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIII, abstract #1123.

98. Whelley PL, M Zanetti, SP Scheidt, JA Richardson, Z Morse, K Miller, B Steiner, PM Bremner, KE Young (2022). Topographic Quintet: Comparing Five Methods for Measuring Ultra-High Resolution Topography. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIII, abstract #2882.

97. Richardson JA, SS Sutton, PL Whelley, M Yu, SP Scheidt, JE Bleacher (2022). Morphology of Small Volcanic Vents in Tharsis (Mars) and the Holuhraun Lava Flow (Northern Iceland). Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIII, abstract #2537.

96. Basu U, J Moersch, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, JR Voigt, KM Stack, R Francis, F Calef, M Golombek, N Hadland (2022). Selecting Suitable Test Sites at Holuhraun, Iceland, for Mars Mission Simulations Using Rovers and Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIII, abstract #2362.

95. Johantges AD, DM Baker, JA Richardson, ES Shoemaker, SP Scheidt, PL Whelley, KE Young (2022). Testing Planetary Subsurface Ice Characterization Using L-Band Radar Data at the Askja, Iceland Analog Site. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIII, abstract #2304.

94. Shoemaker ES, DM Baker, JA Richardson, SP Scheidt, LM Carter, PL Whelley, KE Young (2022). Multi-Frequency Ground-Penetrating Radar Surveys of Tephra and Buried Ice at Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland, Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LIII, abstract #2699.

93. Restrepo CI, N Petro, M Barker, E Mazarico, A Liounis, C Gnam, JA Richardson, SP Scheidt, AI Ansar Y Cheng, Z Morgan, Y Iwashita, R Beyer (2022). Building lunar maps for terrain relative navigation and hazard detection applications. AIAA SCiTech 2022 Forum, p. 356,

92. Shoemaker ES, DMH Baker, JA Richardson, SP Scheidt, PL Whelley, LM Carter, KE Young (2021). A multi-frequency ground penetrating radar investigation of buried ice deposits at Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland, AGU Fall Meeting 2021. American Geophysical Union, NS13A-06.

91. Crown DA, FC Chuang, RW Rice Jr, SW Ruff, SP Scheidt (2021). Geologic mapping of Gusev Crater, Mars: Gusev rim and floor characteristics, Planetary Geologic Mappers Meeting 2021 LPI Contributions, abstract #7020.

90. Baker DMH, ES Shoemaker, JA Richardson, SP Scheidt, PL Whelley, LM Carter, KE Young (2021). Radar investigations of subsurface ice at Askja Volcano, northern Iceland. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LII, abstract #2627.

89. Fenton LK, S Metzger, TI Michaels, SP Scheidt, TC Dorn, DLV Neakrase (2021). Surface roughness length as a function of fetch length at a planetary analog site. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LII, abstract #2287.

88. Richardson JA, SS Sutton, P Whelley, SP Scheidt, CW Hamilton, D Needham, KE Young (2020). Vent morphology at the Holuhraun lava flow (northern Iceland) as an analog for martian fissure vents. AGU Fall Meeting 2020. American Geophysical Union, P063-12.

87. Shoemaker E, DM Baker, JA Richardson, SP Scheidt, P Whelley, LM Carter (2020). Investigating Buried Ice at Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland using Ground Penetrating Radar: A Planetary Analog Perspective. AGU Fall Meeting 2020. American Geophysical Union, P063-07.

86. Schaefer EI, CW Hamilton, C Neish, SP Scheidt (2020). Reexamining the potential to characterize lava flows from margin geometry. AGU Fall Meeting 2020. American Geophysical Union, P063-13.

85. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt, E Hauber (2020). Alba Mons, Mars: Geologic mapping investigations of the summit region and western flank. 2020 Annual Meeting of Planetary Geologic Mappers, held virtually, 16-18 June, 2020. LPI Contribution No. 2357, id.7042.

84. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt, SC Mest (2020). Lava flow emplacement processes on Mars: Insights from mapping martian lava flow fields. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 52, No. 6, doi: 10.1130/abs/2020AM-354469.

83. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt, E Hauber (2020). Alba Mons, Mars: Geological mapping investigation of the summit and western flank. Planetary Geologic Mappers Meeting 2020 LPI Contributions. No. 2357, abstract #7042.

82. Young KE, AD Rogers, Z Morse, C Honniball, C Achilles, B Feist, P Whelley, J Richardson, SP Scheidt, JM Hurtado Jr, A McAdam, C Knudson, C Pittman, A Baldridge, C Edwards, A Horchler, GR Osinski, L Edgar, T Graff, N Schmerr, P Niles, A Jones, TD Glotch (2020). Developing advanced EVA informatics for field portable instrumentation and science operations during crewed planetary surface exploration. 7th annual NASA Exploration Science Forum 2020, July 8-10.

81. Young KE, JE Bleacher, TG GRaff, TD Glotch, AD Rogers, A McAdam, PL Whelley, JA Richardson, J Achilles, C Knudson, WB Garry, B Feist, SP Scheidt, C Honniball, Z Morse, A Naids, D Coan, EB Rampe, C Evans, E Bell, N Schmerr (2020). The Importance of Incorporating Field Portable Instrumentation in Lunar Surface Exploration — and the Implications of Doing So. Lunar Surface Science Workshop, held 28-29 May, 2020 (Virtual). LPI Contribution No. 2241, id.5143.

80. Baker MM, JR Zimbelman, SP Scheidt (2020). Megaripples at Great Sand Dunes National Park and the Puna plateau as terrestrial analogs for aeolian becorms in Gale Crater, Mars. Sixth International Planetary Dunes Workshop, abstract #3034.

79. Zimbelman JR, SP Scheidt, MM Baker, BE Williams (2020). Three-dimensional documentation of the transition from sand ripples to megaripples. Sixth International Planetary Dunes Workshop, abstract #3031.

78. Knudson CA, CN Achilles, KE Young, AC McAdam, PL Whelley, S Guzewich, JA Richardson, CW Hamilton, JRC Voigt, SP Scheidt (2020). Determining sulfur concentrations in a basaltic flood eruption: tying chemistry to atmospheric modeling. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #2933.

77. Shoemaker ES, MH Baker, JA Richardson, SP Scheidt, PL Whelley, LM Carter (2020). Subsurface structure of the 1961 lava flows at Askja, Iceland. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #2741.

76. Zimbelman JR, SP Scheidt, MM Baker, E Williams (2020). Three-dimensional documentation of the transition from sand ripples to megaripples. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #1462.

75. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt, E Hauber (2020). Alba Mons, Mars: Geological mapping of the summit region and western flank. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #1626.

74. Richardson JA, DM Hollibaugh Baker, ES Shoemaker, SP Scheidt, PL Whelley, KE Young, TG GAff, CN Achilles, LM Carter, CW Hamilton (2020). Prospecting permanently buried ice with ground penetrating radar at Askja Volcano, Northern Iceland. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #1129.

73. Shaefer EI, CD Neish, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, CD Rodriguez Sanchez-Vahamonde (2020). The effects of sedimentation on the measured fractality of lava flow margins. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #2457.

72. Sutton SS, JA Richardson, PL Whelley, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, KE Young, A Höskuldsson, I Jónsdottir,  T Thordarson (2020). The onset of degradation of a large spatter rampart in Iceland. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #1527.

71. Richardson JA, SS Sutton, PL Whelley, SP Scheidt, CW Hamilton, DH Needham, KY Young (2020). Vent morphology at the Holuhraun lava flow (Northern Iceland) as an analog for martian fissure vents. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #1210.

70. Voigt JRC, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, CN Achilles, CM Dundas, LP Keszthelyi, U Münzer, PL Whelley (2020). Platy terrain within the Holuhraun 20142015 lava flow-field: an analog for martian flood lavas. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #2358.

69. Metzger S, LK Fenton, SP Scheidt, T Michaels, T Dorn, B Cole, O Sprau, L Neakrase (2020). Martian analog dust devil studies in Nevada – finding the atmospheric link. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #2350.

68. Fenton LK, S Metzger, SP Scheidt, TI MIchaels, T Dorn, B Cole, O Sprau, L Neakrase (2020). Details in the devils: Preliminary results of a field investigation of planetary boundary layer turbulence and dust devil generation. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., LI, abstract #2567.

67. Perry MR, SW Courville, ZM Bain, NE Putzig, DA Crown, SP Scheidt (2019). Signatures of intact lava tubes on the western flank of Alba Mons in Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Shallow Radar (SHARAD) data. American Geophysical Union, abstract #608857.

66. Blasizzo AY, I Ukstins, J Thines, A Graettinger, SP Scheidt, SX Hudziak (2019). A textural analysis of the 1961 Askja, Iceland lava flow for martian analog studies, American Geophysical Union, abstract #536872.

65. Zimbelman JR, SP Scheidt, A Valdez, AM Morgan, AK Johnston (2019). Evaluation of aeolian bedform growth and evolution at multiple scales, American Geophysical Union, abstract #498615.

64. Sutton SS, JA Richardson, PL Whelley, CW Hamilton, KE Young, SP Scheidt, JRC Voigt, JE Bleacher (2019). The onset of degradation of the Holuhraun spatter rampart, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-338649.

63. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt (2019). Constraints on the chronology of volcanism in the Tharsis region of Mars from geologic mapping, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-338203.

62. Fenton LK, S Metzger, SP Scheidt, TI Michaels, TC Dorn, B Cole, O Sprau (2019). Details in the devils: using convective vortices to measure planetary boundary layer conditions on Earth and Mars, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 51, No. 5, doi: 10.1130/abs/2019AM-340986.

61. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt (2019). Geology of Alba Mons, Mars: Results from 1:1M scale geologic mapping. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., L, abstract #2160.

60. Crown DA, SP Scheidt, DC Berman (2019). Distribution and morphology of lava tube systems on the western flank of Alba Mons, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., L, abstract #1417.

59. JR Zimbelman, SP Scheidt, M Foroutan, MM Baker (2019). Investigating the transition from sand ripples to megaripples on Earth and Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., L, abstract #1186.

58. Young KE, M Miller, TG Graff, F Delgado, M Noyes, D Coan, PL Whelley, C Knudson, SP Scheidt, J Richardson, WB Garry, JE Bleacher, C Pittman, A Abercromby, P Valle, A Thomas, F Porter (2019). Scientific hybrid reality environments (SHYRE), Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., L, abstract #1109.

57. Achilles CN, AC McAdam, CA Knudson, KE Young, JE Bleacher, D Bower, J Eigenbrode, CW Hamilton, T Hewagama, C Nixon, J Richarson, SP Scheidt, SS Sutton, J Voigt, M Wasser, N Whelley, PL Whelley (2019). Acidic alteration in a young basaltic lava field: sulfur-bearing products and implications for Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., L, abstract #3043.

56. Thomas N, G Cremonese, M Almeida, J Backer, P Becerra, G Borrini, S Byrne, M Gruber, P Gubler, R Heyd, A Ivanov, L Keszthelyi, C Schaller, SP Scheidt, E Simioni, SS Sutton, S Tulyakov, C Zimmerman (2019). CaSSIS on the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter: Operational Approach. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., L, abstract #1582.

55. Nixon CA, T Hewagama, DM Bower, JC Stern, CR Cousins, JL Eigenbrode, A Regberg, PL Whelley, JA Richardson, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, SS Sutton, J Voigt, KE Young, A McAdam, CA Knudson, C Achilles, ML Wasser, S Aslam, N Whelley ,CS Cockell, D Jameson, JE Bleacher (2018), Characterization of a Europa analog environment at Kverkfjöll, Iceland, American Geophysical Union, abstract #P33G-3911.

54. Voigt J, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, G Steinbrügge, U Münzer, Á Höskuldsson, I Jónsdóttir, Þ Þórðarson, PL Whelley (2018). Facies characterization of the 2014–2015 Holuhraun lava flow field from remote sensing data and field observations, American Geophysical Union, abstract #P31H-3796.

53. JA Richardson, SS Sutton, PL Whelley, SP Scheidt, CW Hamilton, D Hurwitz Needham, JE Bleacher (2018). Repeat field campaigns at Holuhraun, Iceland: Exploring a new volcanic vent as a terrestrial analog for planetary surfaces, American Geophysical Union, abstract #P51C-10.

52. Whelley, PL, CA Nixon, KE Young, JA Richardson, CW Hamilton, A McAdam, CA Knudson, SP Scheidt, JRC Voigt, ML Wasser, JL Eigenbrode, A Regberg, SS Sutton, T Hewagama, DM Bower, C Achilles, CR Cousins, JC Stern, N Whelley, JE Bleacher (2018). Analogs of Ice and Fire: Conducting Fieldwork in the Icelandic Highlands to Inform Volcanic Interpretations on Mars and Instrument Development for Europa, American Geophysical Union, abstract #P31H-3795.

51. Simurda, C, SP Scheidt, DA Crown, MS Ramsey (2018). Assessing the particle size of mantling deposits on blocky lava flows: using thermal inertia on Earth and Mars for improved compositional retrievals, American Geophysical Union, abstract #P51C-06.

50. Crown DA, SP Scheidt, DC Berman (2018). Volcanic geology of the western flank of Alba Mons, Mars, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6, ISSN 0016-7592, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-320919.

49. Bleacher JE, D Hurwitz Needham, C Parcheta, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, WB Garry, PL Whelley (2018). The construction of lava channel islands within basaltic flows, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 50, No. 6, ISSN 0016-7592, doi: 10.1130/abs/2018AM-323093.

48. N Thomas, G Cremonese, A Miguel, J Backer, P Becerra Veldes, G Borrini, S Byrne, M Gruber, PE Gubler, R Heyd, A Ivanov, L Keszthelyi, C Marriner, G McArthur, AS McEwen, C Okubo, MR Patel, A Pommerol, C Re, C Schaller, SP Scheidt, E Simioni, SS Sutton, S Tulyakov, C Zimmerman (2018). CaSSIS-Targeting, Operations and Data Reduction, EPSC Abstracts, EPSC2018-145.

47. Hamilton CW, PJ Mouginis-Mark, MM Sori, SP Scheidt and AM Bramson (2018). Evidence of lava inflation near Hrad Vallis, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLIX, abstract #2313.

46. Bleacher JE, LS Crumpler, CW Hamilton, JR Zimbelman, WB Garry, AP de Wet, PL Whelley, SP Scheidt (2018). Implications of Sheet-like Flow Emplacement on Planetary Surfaces. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLIX, abstract #2034.

45. Crown DA, DC Berman, SP Scheidt (2018). Geologic mapping of the western flank of Alba Mons, Mars. Lunar and Planetary Institute Science Conference Abstracts, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLIX, abstract #1638.

44. Voigt J, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, LE Bonnefoy, I Jónsdóttir, A Höskuldsson, T Thordarson (2017). Holuhraun 2014-2015 Eruption Site on Iceland: A Flood Lava Analogue for Mars, EPSC Abstracts 11, EPSC2017-848.

43. Karimova R, E Hauber, DA Crown, T Platz, D Berman, SP Scheidt, C Weitz (2017). Fault Populations on Alba Mons, Mars, and their Age Relationships to Volcanic, Fluvial, and Glacial Processes. EPSC Abstracts11, EPSC2017-207.

42. Whelley PL, SP Scheidt, WB Garry, J Richardson, CW Hamilton, JE Bleacher (2017). Comparison and fusion of ultra-high-resolution topographic data at Kilauea volcano, Hawaii, IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Fostering Integrative Studies of Volcanoes, August 14-18, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., abstract 497, p. 1219.

41. Simurda C, MS Ramsey, SP Scheidt, DA Crown (2017). Surface roughness and block size distribution on silicic lava flows, IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Fostering Integrative Studies of Volcanoes, August 14-18, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., abstract 967, p. 1013.

40. Hamilton CW, SP Scheidt, AP deWet, AE Huff, WH Speiser, DH Needham, EI Schaefer, SS Sutton, JE Moersch, CL Kling, E Rader, AJ Ryan, AL Keske, DK Moyer (2017). Sinuous channel formation within the Laki lava flow: a consequence of “Fill and Spill” emplacement, IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Fostering Integrative Studies of Volcanoes, August 14-18, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., abstract 432, p. 402.

39. Crown DA, DC Berman, T Platz, SP Scheidt (2017). Lava flow fields on the western flanks of Alba Mons, Mars, IAVCEI 2017 Scientific Assembly, Fostering Integrative Studies of Volcanoes, August 14-18, Portland, Oregon, U.S.A., abstract 554, p. 234.

38. deWet AP, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, L Zeller, AK Sainvil, N Bryson (2017). Large channel-fed rootless volcanic cone complex, Laki, Iceland, GSA Cordilleran Section, 113th Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49, 4, doi:10.1130/abs/2017CD-293045.

37. Hamilton CW, PJ Mouginis-Mark, MM Sori, SP Scheidt, JE Bleacher (2017). Terrestrial lava-rise plateaus as analogs for lobate flow units near Hrad Vallis, Mars, GSA Cordilleran Section, 113th Annual Meeting, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 49, 4, doi:10.1130/abs/2017CD-292768.

36. Voigt J, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, I Jónsdóttir, Á Höskuldsson, Þ Þórðarson (2017). Facies relationships and emplacement history of the 2014–2015 eruption at Holuhraun, Iceland, EGU General Assembly 2017, abstract EGU2017-8255.

35. Needham DH, C W Hamilton, JE Bleacher, PL Whelley, KE Young, SP Scheidt, JA Richardson, SS Sutton (2017). Lava eruption and emplacement: using clues from Hawaii and Iceland to probe the lunar past, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVIII, abstract 1177.

34. Crown DA, DC Berman, T Platz, SP Scheidt (2017). Geologic mapping of Alba Mons, Mars: constraints on summit evolution and eruptive history, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVIII, abstract 2301.

33. Dundas CM, L Keszthelyi, CW Hamilton, LE Bonnefoy, SP Scheidt, E Lev, ME Rumpf, T Thordarson, Á Höskuldsson, I Jónsdóttir, AL Keske, MM Sori (2017). The hydrothermal system of the 2014-2015 lava flows at Holuhraun, Iceland: an analog for martian lava-water interactions, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVIII, abstract 2470.

32. Young KE, JE Bleacher, DH Needham, C Evans, PL Whelley, SP Scheidt, D Williams, AD Rogers, T Glotch (2017). Field detection of chemical assimilation in a basaltic lava flow, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVIII, abstract 2706.

31. Bonnefoy LE, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, J Voigt, À Hoskuldsson, I Jónsdottir, T Thordarson (2017). Landscape evolution after the 2014-2015 lava flow at Holuhraun, Iceland, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVIII, abstract 1652.

30. Young KE, JE Bleacher, AD Rogers, A McAdam, CA Evans, TG Graff, WB Garry, P Whelley, SP Scheidt, L Carter, D Coan, M Reagan, T Glotch, R Lewis (2017). Developing science operations concepts for the future of planetary surface exploration. Planetary Science Vision 2050 Workshop, February 27-March 1, 2017, Washington, DC, JSC-CN-38508.

29. Rumpf ME, Lev E, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt (2016). The influence of bed roughness on lava flow emplacement and morphology: a laboratory and field study. Cities on Volcanoes 9, Puerto Varas, Chile, November 20th to 25th, 2016.

28. Needham DH, CW Hamilton, JE Bleacher, PL Whelley, KE Young, SP Scheidt, JA Richardson, SS Suton (2017). Lava eruption and emplacement: using clues from Hawaii and Iceland to probe the lunar past. Annual Meeting of the Lunar Exploration Analysis Group, held 1-3 November, 2016 in Columbia, Maryland. LPI Contribution No. 1960, abstract 5039.

27. KE Young, JE Bleacher, AD Rogers, CA Evans, A McAdam, WB Garry, L Carter, T Graff, SP Scheidt, TD Glotch, R Zeigler, P Niles, P Abell (2017). The use of field portable instrumentation in preparing for the next generation of lunar surface exploration. New Views of the Moon 2, Proceedings of the conference held May 24-26, 2016 in Houston, Texas. LPI Contribution No. 1911, abstract 6078.

26. Lev E, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, ME Rumpf (2016). Mapping lava flow morphology and structure with unmanned aerial vehicles. Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference, Bergen, Norway, 21-23 September 2016, Virtual Outcrop Geology Group, Uni Research CIPR, p. 43.

25. Moersch JE, DT Anderson, CM Fedo, CW Hamilton, JG Muhlbauer, WH Pollard, SP Scheidt, J Taggart (2016). UAV studies of terrestrial analogs for Martian geology. Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual Geoscience Conference, Bergen, Norway, 21-23 September 2016, Virtual Outcrop Geology Group, Uni Research CIPR, p.47.

24. Sori MM, CW Hamilton E Lev, SP Scheidt (2016). Numerical modeling of lava flow behavior on Earth and Mars: A multilayer rheological approach, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVII, abstract 2909.

23. Whelley PL, WB Garry, SP Scheidt, JE Bleacher, CW Hamilton (2015). RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 flow: lava flow texture LiDAR signatures, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #P31A-2050.

22. Yant M, AD Rogers, KE Young, G Ito, JE Bleacher, A McAdam, C Evans, J Eigenbrode, M Dyar, T Glotch, SP Scheidt (2015). RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 flow: In situ geochemical analysis and laboratory spectral characterization of fumarolic alteration, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #P31A-2052.

21. Young KE, JE Bleacher, AD Rogers, A McAdam, WB Garry, SP Scheidt (2015). L Carter, T Glotch, RIS4E at Kilauea’s December 1974 (D1974) flow: Establishing the D1974 flow as an idea Mars analog, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #P31A-2049.

20. Young KE, JE Bleacher, AD Rogers, WB Garry, A McAdam, SP Scheidt, L Carter, T Glotch (2015). Exploring the integration of field portable instrumentation into real-time surface science operations with the RIS4E SSERVI team, 2015 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #P44A-06.

19. Hamilton CW, JE Moersch, SP Scheidt (2015). Application of unmanned aerial vehicles to the study of volcanic landforms, GSA Baltimore, Maryland Annual Meeting (1 November – 4 November 2015), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 47, 7, 0, Paper No. 289-3.

18. Garry WB, PL Whelley, SP Scheidt, JE Bleacher, TD Glotch (2015). Topography of collapsed lava pits on Kilauea volcano, Hawaii: Terrestrial analogs for lunar pits and lessons for exploration, 2nd NASA Exploration Science Forum,  July 21-23, 2015, NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA.

17. Hamilton CW, SP Scheidt, JE Bleacher, RP Irwin III, WB Garry, PL Whelley (2015). “Fill and spill” lava emplacement and its effects on local lava discharge rates and flow morphologies, 26th International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22–July 2, 2015, IUGG-3686.

16. Kerber LC, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt (2015). The aerodynamic roughness of Mars-like surfaces, Fourth International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Integrating Models, Remote Sensing and Field Data, Boise, ID (LPI Contributions No. 1843), abstract 8033.

15. Hamilton CW, SP Scheidt, JE Bleacher, RP Irwin III and WB Garry (2015). “Fill and Spill” Lava Emplacement Associated with the December 1974 Flow on Kilauea Volcano Hawai‘i, USA, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVI, abstract 1072.

14. Bleacher JE, CW Hamilton, SP Scheidt, WB Garry, AP de Wet and PL Whelley (2015). No Erosion Needed: Development of Streamlined Islands During Lava Channel Construction, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLVI, abstract 2182.

13. Ramsey MS and SP Scheidt (2014). Can HyspIRI-like thermophysical data be used for calibration/ validation of SMAP surface soil moisture measurements?, 2014 HyspIRI Science and Applications Workshop, Pasadena, CA.

12. Ramsey MS and SP Scheidt (2014). Sustainable land imaging requirements to monitor surface soil moisture with HyspIRI-like data, 2014 HyspIRI Data Product Symposium, NASA GSFC, MD, June 4 – 6, 2014.

11. Zimbelman JR, SP Scheidt, SL de Silva, NT Bridges and MG Spagnuolo (2014). Roughness Height Measurements for Megaripples in the Puna of Argentina, Form Flow over the Largest Megaripples, and Implications for Mars, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLV, abstract 1359.

10. Zimbelman JR and SP Scheidt (2012). Investigation of Reversing Sand Dunes at the Bruneau Dunes, Idaho, as Analogs for Features on Mars, 2012 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #P21D-1870.

9. de Silva SL, NT Bridges, JR Zimbelman, MG Spagnuolo,DM Burr, SP Scheidt  and A Ortiz (2012). Investigating the coarsest gravel ripples in Earth – Field relationships, sedimentological character and implications for Mars, Third International Planetary Dunes Workshop: Remote Sensing and Image Analysis of Planetary Dunes, Flagstaff, AZ (LPI Contributions No. 1673), 29-30, abstract 7035.

8. Zimbelman JR and SP Scheidt (2011). Geologic mapping of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Mars, and the northern lowland plains, Venus, Abstracts of the Annual Planetary Geologic Mappers Meeting, Greenbelt, MD, June 22-24, 2011.

7. de Silva SL, JR Zimbelman, NT Bridges, SP Scheidt and Viramonte JG (2011). The Coarsest Gravel Ripples on Earth? Preliminary Observations and Interpretations, Lunar Planet. Sci., XLII, abstract 2421.

6. Kennedy SK, SP Scheidt and N Lancaster (2010). Utilization of CCSEM methods to determine minor/accessory mineral abundances from inland desert dune sands of the Gran Desierto, 2010 GSA Denver Annual Meeting (31 October –3 November 2010), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 42, 5, 416, Paper No. 170-7.

5. Zimbelman JR, WB Garry, RP Irwin III and SP Scheidt (2010). Pluvial shorelines in Nevada and Oregon as analogs for features in crater lakes on Mars, 2010 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #P43C-1533.

4. Mohammad R, MS Ramsey and SP Scheidt (2010). Using thermal infrared (TIR) data to characterize dust sources, dust fall and the linkage to climate in the Middle East, 2010 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #A13E-0266.

3. Ramsey MS, CG Hughes and SP Scheidt (2010). A radiometrically-accurate HyspIRI dataset created for arid land surfaces using combined ASTER and AVIRIS data, 3rd HyspIRI Science Workshop, August 24-26, 2010, Pasadena, CA.

2. Ramsey MS,J Dehn,K Duda, CG Hughes,R Lee,S Rose, SP Scheidt and RL Wessels (2009). Ten years of ASTER thermal infrared data from Terra: Discoveries, lessons learned, and insights into future missions, 2009 Fall Meeting Abstracts, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, abstract #U32A-06.

1. Ramsey MS and SP Scheidt (2009). Deriving soil moisture and sediment mobility using future HyspIRI-derived thermal inertia, 2nd HyspIRI Science Workshop, Pasadena, CA.